Thursday, December 22, 2016


     Many times I wonder if maybe, just maybe I gave up blogging way too soon. My first post ever was on 11/24/10 and I was so excited to start it.  But then one day it wasn't exciting or fun.  So I gradually gave up posting until one day, I just stopped and closed the doors so to speak.  Pictures were deleted from my phone, web links disconnected and like a house that was abandoned by it's owner, it became messy and forgotten.
     But I never really forgot this little blog all the way.  After all it was and  still is a little part of me I decided to share with anyone who dared.  I tried to resurrect it once in no avail.  Somewhere in 2012 my messy life became a bit messier and ever since I've found myself floundering, trying to find my little tiny spot in this huge universe.  I still am.
    But maybe, just maybe this little-blog-that- could will help me in some odd way find my way.  I think I need all the help I can get.