Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A picture a day

I've decided to challenge myself.  How?  Well, a couple months ago, I bought a new camera.  At that time, I thought it would be a good idea to expand my photo horizons and take photos of everything, no matter how ordinary it was.  Did I do it?
So, as I stated before, I've decided to challenge myself.  Again.  This time, I 'm going to try my hardest to take a picture every single day for one month.  Can I do it? Yes.  Will I do it? Yes?
So bear with me on this weirdo journey.  I know (trust me, I do) some, or maybe all, of my photos won't be great.  You may even wonder why I took a picture of what I may take a picture of.  But that's part of learning, right?
Here's photo #1.

Spring is here, at least for a day.  This is a snapshot of a daffodil from my driveway flower bed.  I love 'em!
I hope you enjoy my photo-journalistic journey!
I hope I do.....

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