Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day 9

{a photo I took}
For those that know me, you know I enjoy photography.  I may not be at the professional level, but I know what I like and what makes me happy, at least as far as photography is concerned.  However, I haven't been taking a lot of pictures lately (code: at all.)  We've been laying low and not traveling to many places lately, so I haven't been snapping photos of anything that caught my eye.  But right now as I write this, I realize that I commonly use that as my excuse for not taking pictures and that I don't have to travel to a new place to take interesting pictures.  Why not take photos of both the everyday AND interesting right here at home?  BRILLIANT!!!!  I have realized a new mission!!  Anyway, here is a photo of a building that struck me on our trip to New York.  The architecture in that city is amazing and this just happened to be the building I saw as I looked up into the sky and wondered where we were going next.


Unknown said...

Qu'est-ce que c'est (que ça) ? Et comment?
Ok, you deserve a break. What is this a photo of? Interesting photo.
And where in NY were you going?

Whitney said...

I have no recollection of where we were going next..sorry!