Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Day 11

{a favorite song}
 When days were cold and rainy- bad enough for a kid not to want to go outside we would find something else to occupy our time inside.  On days like that my mom would play different tapes (remember those?!!)  of her favorite music at the time.  I was subjected to Neal Diamond's song...song...blue, crossed a bridge over troubled waters with Simon and Garfunkel, danced on the ceiling with Lionel Richie, wanted to dance with somebody else with Whitney Houston and then traveled to Carolina in my mind with James Taylor.  As a kid, some of the music made me cringe (read: Neal Diamond) and still does, but not all of it.  I liked James Taylor and Whitney to name a few.  As I've grown into the pseudo-adult I am today, I still return to a few James Taylor songs  for my rainy day music.  In fact, I'm listening to him right now as I type this.  There are several of his songs I like but I have to say 'Carolina in my mind' is my favorite.  It's kind of crazy how every time I hear this song, I go right back to my old house and our living room where this same song was floating through the air....and I feel this warm joy (don't know how else to explain it) as I remember that moment.  It is amazing how a song can take us right back to the moment it really sang to us.  I love that moment and hope you have found such moments of your own. 

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