Monday, October 17, 2011

If you hate seafood you probably shouldn't read any further....

However, if you love seafood as I do....keep reading.
Just FYI, this is probably my laziest post yet.
I really didn't feel like typing all of the ingredients and instructions out, so...I took a picture instead!

The recipe is as follows:

The other side says cook an additional 10 minutes and serve over wild or brown rice.
I just didn't feel like taking a picture of the other side of the recipe card.....
I know.
Lazy Whitney.
I should also be the first to point out that I misspelled garlicky.
(Wait! I just googled and according to it I did not.
Google is right about everything.....)
My bad but oh so good!
Give it a try then try to make others eat it because you will be a garlic breathing dragon with no friends if they do not.
And no one wants that.
Not even the delicious little shrimp you are eating.

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