Monday, September 5, 2011

What I've learned from the 21 day challenge: Another Essay

As mentioned in yesterday's post, I actually learned a few things as I participated in the challenge that I kept record of along the way.  Who knew I would discover so much with this thing?

Several times I've wondered what path my little blog should take to be "successful." I once thought that maybe a blog dedicated purely to fashion would be fun.  But since I've done this challenge I've realized several things:
  1. Posting outfits is work y'all and my brain hurts!
  2. I don't think I have what it takes to be a fashion blogger, because A) see #1;  B) What I think is cute is not what everyone else thinks is cute; C) I work/wear scrubs 4-5 days out of the week and find it kind of silly/tedious to come home, get an outfit together for pictures, then change into my lounge clothes after I just put on the said outfit and took pictures...WORK!!  and finally D)I get sick of taking and seeing pictures of myself on a daily basis.
  3. I need to work out, shape up or ship!
  4. I should not shop as much as I do.  As mentioned before, I had a lot of potential outfits in my very own closet that were there the whole time.  I just need to learn to use them better.
  5. Accessories really can make a mediocre outfit outstanding.  Most of the time.
  6. I would like to shop for some more accessories, like belts (skinny, red,yellow, cheetah, etc) or cute headbands or statement jewelry....who knew I'd fall in love with the things I swore I would never wear?
  7. Even though I don't have the desire to be a full time fashion blogger, I think I will continue to make regular outfit posts to keep things interesting around here.
  8. I visited a lot of different blogs of girls who participated in the challenge and came to see that thrifted items are just as good as brand new and plan on primarily shopping at thrift stores (my husband and bank account will learn to like this, maybe even thank me.)
So, as mentioned, right now I don't think I could handle doing a full-time fashion blog. With that being said, I hope you stick around to watch this blog evolve and change as I figure out what I want it to become.  Hope to see some more of you! 

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